日语假名 日语汉字 汉语翻译 英语翻译 发音
さすが 真不愧是;毕竟是 indeed; as may be expected
さっさと 赶快地;迅速地 quickly; promptly
ざっと 大概;粗略地 briefly, roughly, approximately
さっぱり 一点也不 neatly, not at all; not in the least
しいんと 寂静 quietly, silently
じかに 直に 直接地;亲自 directly, at first hand, personally
しきゅう 至急 赶紧;紧急 urgent, immediately
しきりに 频繁地;不断地;热情地 frequently, eagerly, earnestly
しじゅう 始終 经常;总是 always, constantly
しだいに 次第に 逐渐地;慢慢地 gradually (progress into a state); in sequence; in order
しみじみ 深切;亲密;仔细 keenly, heartily, seriously
じゅんじゅん 順々 接顺序;依次 in order, one after another, one by one
じょじょに 徐々に 徐徐;慢慢 gradually, slowly
すえに 末に 结果;最后(经过一段时间) finally; after; following; at the end/conclusion of
ずらりと 一大排 in a row
せいぜい 精々 尽量;充其量 as much as possible; at most
せっせと 拼命地 diligently; hard
ぜひとも 一定;务必 surely, certainly
せめて 至少 at least
ぞくぞく 続々 陆续;连续不断 successively, one after another
そっくり 全部;一模一样;原封不动 entirely; exactly like, just as it is
そっと 轻轻地;俏俏地 quietly, secretly
そのうえ その上 而且;再加上;又 besides; in addition; furthermore
そのうち 一会儿;不久;近日 before long; some day, by and by
たいして 大して 并不那么 (not) very; (not) much
たいそう 大層 非常 very much
だいぶん 大分 很;非常 very
たえず 絶えず 经常;连续 all the time, always, continuously
たしょう 多少 多少 more or less; somewhat
たった 只;仅 only; no more than